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How to wear Homelee Apartment Pants [ With Video ] - allaboutagirl

How to wear Homelee Apartment Pants [ With Video ]

So you have seen our homelee apartment pants and its time to buy your first pair? You are probably wondering what size to get, how they sit on your body and if you need to size up or size down. Here is a great video from the ladies at homelee walking you through the fit.

How to wear Homelee Apartment Pants

Shop the look:  Homelee Black Apartment Pants with a White Cross paired with the Homelee Daisy Tee in Pink 


There has been a lot of discussion about whether to size up or size down with apartment pants. They are not designed to be leggings with pockets nor drop crotch. They are a slightly slightly slouchy jogger. We recommend you stay true to your size for the correct fit. If you are in between sizes then size down.


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1 comment

  • Donella Earnshaw

    I just love my pants they are so comfortable and certainly true to size. I’m a 14 and I bought 14. Perfect 👌

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